Knitting a new project! If you're wondering about the cacti you can make yours here!
I have been working on a chunky ripple blanket lately! I love these colors together!
 Experimenting with some lacy stitches! I love crochet swatches!
 This project is one one of my recent favorites! Pink & turquoise arrows!
 Arranging my granny squares for my blanket!  A wip left far too behind!
 Working on a new spring cowl design!
Some days I love crocheting in bed!

I definitely am working on far too many projects again! Haha! I am planning on releasing two new patterns for the shop really soon! 

I would also like to thank you all for the constant support you're showing through your emails or comments! I couldn't be moire thankful on this matter; it really keeps me motivated and fills me with strength to go on!

I am wishing you all have a great Easter weekend!
Enjoy the rest of your day!

All photos via Instagram!