Spring is associated with flowers and bright colors! At least this is the case for me! I have to tell you though that spring is very slowly coming over here as the weather is constantly grey and rainy! This does not stop me dreaming of it though, so these bright flower coasters have definitely made my day!

You can find the pattern for the Spring Flower Coasters on Etsy & Ravelry!

I used bright colors in a soft 100% cotton yarn; Rico Creative Cotton is the brand used in the sample! What I really like about summer yarns is their bright and vibrant color shades! These can really make your day!
I used a 3.5 mm hook (U.S E/4) to make the coasters although the yarn label suggests using a 5 mm (U.S H/8)! The pattern  is written in US terms and includes pictures, abbreviation keys, stitch counts and extra notes to help explain.

Please enjoy the pattern by clicking here or here and if you make some flower coasters I'd definitely like to see!
I cannot wait to show you what else I'm working on! Exciting times ahead!
Enjoy the rest of your day!