Tulips, Inspiration & Crochet

 Color splash tulips!
Snapshots of our trip to Vienna! Amazing coffee, lots of chocolate and lovely fruit stalls on the local market!
Lovely purple shades!
Inspiration time!
 Crochet squares and cookies! Yay!
Have I mentioned that I now have a wool winder? So much fun!
Kokeshi Dolls enjoying the sunshine! Spring is coming!:)
Working on something new!

Last week, we took a small vacation and visited Vienna! I love this city! We had the best time visiting the sunny city with it's baroque style! When we flew back home I kept looking at the photos of the trip! I loved everything, the great coffee, the chocolate shops all around Vienna, the delicious food, and the local market with it's bright stalls and colors! These are just a few photos I took but I think they capture the whole spirit!:)

Crochet related, I am spending my time browsing through magazines and books for spring inspiration! Winter is slowly fading away and sunny days keep making their appearance! I really love using my new wool winder! It's so fun to use and my yarn seems organized! It is also pretty neat to store!:)

The last picture is from my new project! It uses a very interesting stitch that I have fallen in love with! I will be sharing more on that very soon!

I hope you had a great week too! What are you up to?