Little Things Blogged

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Life Snapshots

Hello there!
 Pretty colors! I will be sharing the pattern for this doily motif soon!
Some blanket work!
I painted something purple! Will be showing more soon!
 I am working on improving my embroidery skills!:)
 Experimenting with Entrelac Crochet!
Spring blooms!
 Bunny in the making!
Strawberry cake and crochet! Yum!
Easter morning view!:)

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday! Mine was filled with happy moments spending time with my family!

I took this short holiday as an opportunity to relax a bit and take some time off! It was something I needed and was pretty much looking forward to it! Some crochet was included in my Easter vacation as crocheting is the one thing that truly relaxes me!

I have also been making progress, a bit slowly though, on my tank top and hopefully within the next month or so I will be able to show you some final photos and details of the whole project!
Enjoy the rest of your day! How are your projects coming along?
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